
I’m Nichole.  I’m married to my husband Paul, who puts up with more of my crap than he should have to, and I have two fabulous girls, Paige and Allie, who are, for the time being, 6 and 2.  They’re totally crazy, but I’m sure I am too.  Crazy has to be learned.

Paige is my 6 year old.  She is overly cautious about life in general.  She’s in her head too much sometimes.  She’s just like me.  She loves to dance, she loves to sing (even though she’s TERRIBLE at it), and she loves to be the center of attention.  If the child does not end up on Broadway, I will club myself to death with my own arm.  She’s smart as a whip.  She’s been reading for a year already and picks up on concepts so quickly.  Her brain is a sponge.  She has incredible opportunities open to her….if only she could remember where she put her pencil.  She’s very book smart, but can’t get out of her own way,

Allie…well….Allie’s my dare devil.  She’s not above climbing to the top of any piece of furniture and throwing herself violently off.  She’s a little fresh (alright, sometimes a lot fresh).  She’s full of piss and vinegar, and I’m sure will be the dictator of our country some day.  She’s rough and tumble and doesn’t take crap from anyone.  She’s hard to keep down.  She’s an animal lover.  When she hugs you, she puts her whole soul into it.  She’s a little devil, but occassionally has such a sweet demeanor and temperment.  It’s the moments that help carry me through the days with her.

They say some of the craziest things and I have gotten to the point where I just HAVE to start keeping track of some of it!  I hope you laugh along with me!

12 thoughts on “About”

  1. great to have found your blog, so cute. x

  2. Hi! I think your blog is amazing, so I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award 🙂 You can check out the details at my post: http://funnyfornothingblog.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/the-versatile-blogger-award/

  3. Hello I’ve nominated you for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award 🙂 you can read more about it here http://fivemsblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/wonderful-team-member-readership-award-part-2/

  4. Hello there I’ve nominated you for the Bouquet of Three Award this time, you can check it out here http://fivemsblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/12/the-bouquet-of-three-award/

  5. Hi There Nichole,
    Thanks for taking the time to stop by my little corner of the blogoshere and for the follow. Your support is greatly appreciated. I hope to see more from you,
    Have a great weekend 🙂

  6. Hi Nichole – Thank you so much for following our adventures in sailing and photography! Your interest is really appreciated. Chris

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